Thursday, June 24, 2021

just dance

                            Just dance

On Thursday in the afternoon me and my class was sitting down on the mat  waiting for Mrs Ghosh.
Then everyone went outside to line up  and the people that counts the tokens had to stay in the classroom. And waited for Mrs Ghosh,when Mrs Ghosh came in with some of the boxs full of tokens and there was alot.
Anna helped Mrs Ghosh,it was really loud when the teacher pored all of the tokens.Then I started couting the tokens for totara with 1 of my classmates .When we finished we cleaned up and put all the tokens in a blue big box.After that we ran to the auditorium and did just dance the songs that I was dancing to was called thriller and Waka Waka. When I was dancing with Charmy,Ellie,Shanayah and me we were dancing to Waka Waka and it was funny when we were carrying Charmy we almost dropped.

By Kay-brieanna 😁


  1. Hey there Kay-Brieanna,
    it sounds like it was hard work counting the tokens for totara.You must of had fun doing the just dance.That reminds me of when I did just dance to waka waka as well.You didn't actually drop Charmy did you?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hello Mia,yes counting the tokens was really hard and I did have fun doing just dance.We didn't actually drop her but we almost did.
      Thank Mia for reading my blog and hope you take care.
