Wednesday, December 15, 2021


 It's the end of school!!

I will miss my teacher so so MUCH!! ):

I might visit her next year and have a great christmas and summer everybody.

Hope you guys have an amazing holidays and I will miss my year 6 friends. :'(

Have an amazing time at intermediate.
BYE EVERYBODY! see you guys next year!

Monday, December 6, 2021

What i'm hoping to do during the holidays and others

 Today my teacher said that me and my class was supposed to write about our weekends but I forgot what I did in the weekends so i'm going to be talking what i'm hoping to happen in the holidays.

I hope to go to the bach that my papa owns,want my friends to come to the bach with me and my family,doing alot of stuff that's not on chromebooks and swim in the water that's next to the bach.

The bach looks so cool but I haven't seen it,I have only seen a few pictures of it and it looks amazing so far.There are going to be some changes at the bach though.They'er going to make the deck longer,they're going to make the rooms bigger and that's it.

That's it for me so bye guys!

Friday, December 3, 2021


 Before Morning tea my class was learning BEDMAS.

If your wondering what BEDMAS means Then BEDMAS means:

B   = Brackets

E    = Exponents

D    = Division

M    = Multiplication

A    = Addition

S    = Subtraction

BEDMAS was really easy to understand.

I learnt that you have to multiply and divide before subtracting or adding.And If you have multiplications and divisions you have to go left to right so if you have multiplications first then you start with multiplications then divisions.

Have a great day guys.

BYE!!!!! (:

Thursday, December 2, 2021

My online art

 I did a colouring in book online.

It didn't take so long to colour I just put in colours that I wanted to put my own colours in so I did,for me it looked good but it might not look good for you but that's ok.

Here is the result. -)

That's all for today bye.